We can talk big about how we’re the best out of all the novelty ID websites, but until you have one of our cards in your hands, we’re just words on a webpage. On the flipside, in order to get one of our IDs in your hands, you need to trust us first and buy novelty ID products from us.

So, instead of taking our word for it, why don’t you read some testimonials from customers who have chosen to trust us in the past and have never regretted that decision?

Keeping a steady reputation and quality for a ID vendor is no easy task, but our dedication and your appreciation makes it possible.

100+ Reviews

30+ Reviews

50+ Reviews

20+ Reviews


We’re very strict about making sure that the reviews we get are from actual customers. There are already too many scam novelty identification sites, so anything that makes us resemble those sites would be a detriment, not an advantage.

Aside from browsing through reviews, we want to convince you to trust us by helping you make an informed decision before purchasing an ID. We always ask our customers to submit a review once they receive their IDs.

Once you’ve seen the pictures, watched the videos, and read the reviews, don’t hesitate to contact us to get your scannable novelty ID. Send in a picture and the information you want to include on the ID.

Types of ID Reviews

Read through written reviews from our customers that describe what the IDs look like and how much they’ve helped them have fun. Check out the photo gallery to see all the different kinds of ids we make. At Idartist, our review page is a combination of videos and photos collected from our recent customers.

What Do We Show?

Novelty ID Photos & Videos

If the photo evidence still isn’t enough, then grab some popcorn and watch videos from real customers showing off their novelty ID cards. See how the colors match those of a real ID card. Watch the way the cards bend and compare it to your own real ID to see just how authentic we can make them look. Watching the IDs get handled by real humans can paint a better picture of what having one yourself could look like for you.

Years in the business
0 +

What Our Clients Say

Customer Photos & Vouches

Shipping Bulk IDs Daily

Novelty IDs are truly gifts from the gods of drink and entertainment — or, you know, whatever sister you can persuade to let you steal her identity. Not only are they great for happy hour, but if you have a major event scheduled with pals, such as a concert or spring break, a novelty is a necessity.

Now let’s say that words don’t have much of a sway on you. If so, check out the photo gallery to see all the different kinds of IDs we make for our customers.

We’ll have it shipped out to you so quickly, you’ll be shocked over how fast novelty ID pros like us can create a convincing ID.

Not only will the quality make you want to refer your friends to our services, but you’ll also feel compelled to leave a review with us too. Then, it’ll be your testimonial that convinces someone to buy.

We Focus on Quality

Instead of striving for short-term profit, we like to form lasting relationships with our customers. Not only will it guarantee that they buy from us again, but happy customers are more likely to send more buyers our way. That, and we enjoy being the best at what we do, so it’s a win-win situation.

Ready to Get Past ID Scanners?

Want to get out there and live a life of adventure and booze? Don’t hesitate to buy our novelty ids, so we can facilitate you with the key to unforgettable nights with your friends.